According to TV exit polls, India’s main opposition party, Congress, is likely to win two out of the five state assembly elections, while also being in a close contest with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling nationalist party, BJP, in two heartland states. These state elections are considered a significant test for Modi’s chances of winning a third term in the upcoming national vote.

The regional polls, held in four legs and ending on Thursday, saw a total of over 160 million eligible voters, making up about one-sixth of India’s electorate. The votes cast in all five states – Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, and Mizoram – will be counted on December 3rd, with the results expected on the same day.

The battle between BJP and Congress has been intense in three of the five states. BJP currently holds power in one state, while Congress is in power in two, and regional parties govern the remaining two. Exit polls predict Congress party’s victory in mineral-rich Chattisgarh and Telangana states, with some suggesting that BJP may defeat Congress in Rajasthan. The predictions for Madhya Pradesh state show mixed results. Two exit polls indicate that a regional party is likely to win again in the northeastern state of Mizoram.

It is important to note that exit polls in India have been criticized for their accuracy due to the size and complexity of the electorate. Additionally, state elections do not always indicate the national voter mood or influence the outcome of general elections. However, a survey conducted in August by the India Today media group revealed that Modi’s popularity remains intact, with 52% of respondents believing he is best suited for a third term as Prime Minister.

By Singh Anoop

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