
GUMLA: Police on Monday arrested three men for hacking to death a 50-year-old woman who had accused the sons of two of them of raping her 19-year-old deaf-mute daughter. The woman had been murdered on Sunday.
The accused and the girl and her mother are from the same village. The mother was working in the field when she was attacked by the fathers of the two minor boys—who are currently in an observation home—and another family member who had a long-standing dispute with her, cops claimed.
The local police station incharge said the weapon has been recovered.“The motive appears to be revenge for the police action initiated against the sons and the land dispute with the victim,” he said.
On March 13, the woman and her daughter were asleep while her elder daughter had gone to a wedding reception, locking the house from outside. The accused men’s two 14-yearold sons allegedly broke the lock and told the woman to go check on her elder daughter “as she was up to something indecent” at the reception. When she left, the boys dragged the deaf-mute girl to a school building and raped her, the investigating officer claimed.
(The victim’s identity has not been revealed to protect her privacy as per Supreme court directives on cases related to sexual assault)


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By Singh Anoop

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